8. The archaeological research information that must be exposed in the report is(1) a summary, not exceeding 2 pages, of the work performed and of the results and conclusions;
(2) the nature and duration of the archaeological operation and the dates on which that operation is to begin and end on the site;
(3) the name of the permit holder, the permit number and the permit holder’s professional contact information;
(4) the name of the promoters;
(5) the composition of the team for the archaeological operation, the analysis and the drafting of the report, including each person’s responsibility;
(6) the location of the archaeological operation site on a topographic map;
(7) a description of each place of operation or archaeological site concerned;
(8) the methods for each type of operation and the methods of recording field data, including the grid layout and the on-site establishment strategy; and
(9) the measures taken for the protection and preservation of the archaeological objects and relics.